Can you move the Base Computer in no man's sky? - Gaming Pedia (2024)

By Dawn Shea / May 16, 2024 May 16, 2024

Can you move the Base Computer in no man's sky? - Gaming Pedia (1)

Frontiers – Base Computer can be picked up and moved. NEXT – Added as a base building product.

Can you move entire base in no man’s sky?

It shouldn’t but with this game anything is possible. Just build a teleporter at your main base, then go off and find another place you want to build a base, plop down the computer, put up a teleporter and just start building it while you finish your quest lines at your old base.

Can you have multiple base computers in no man’s sky?

Summary. Base building allows the player to build multiple bases, which can be used for farming, storage and recharging Hazard Protection or Shield. Each save has a limit of 450 bases including one’s freighter base, so 449 planetary bases.

Does base computer archives ever end?

This cycle repeats until 10 log entries have been extracted in this manner at which point the player can interact one last time with a Base Computer to receive some Salvaged Data, after which the Base Computer Archives mission is complete.

Can you dismantle base no man’s sky?

Yes, you hold done CTRL while in the build menu and it will deconstruct the item that is highlighted. Then just rebuild it elsewhere. You may lose some resources (not sure). I don’t think you lose any resources.

No Man’s Sky – How To Move A Base Computer – Weekly Quick-tip #6

How do you move the base building in no man’s sky?

In the event that a player wants to move bases, all they have to do is construct the respective terminals inside of their new base. Hold the action key (E for default on PC) and they’ll appear. This can be done without an issue and is cost free.

How many bases can you claim no man’s sky?

Each save has a limit of 450 bases including one’s freighter base, so 449 planetary bases. The game displays a generic “unsuitable location” error message once the limit has been reached. There is also a limit of 16,000 base objects per save and a 3,000 components upload limit per base.

What is the Base Computer glitch in NMS?

Build a Base Computer, then Upload Base. Once you have done this, save your game. Quit, then reload your save, the waypoint will be redirected to the new Base Computer. If this doesn’t work, repeat the steps above, but take your Freighter to another system first.

What is the Base Computer quest in NMS?

Base Computer Archives is a secondary mission with many parts which primarily grants players Blueprints for functional base building objects. The mission tasks the player with checking their Base Computer regularly and building whatever it has dug up during its archive recovery so it can continue the process.

How do I get a Base Computer in NMS?

How to build a Base Computer in No Man’s Sky. If you want to build a base, then you must first build a Base Computer. For this you’ll need 40 Chromatic Metal and to make that you’ll need 80 Copper. To find a Copper Deposit, activate your Analysis Visor and scan the surrounding area.

What is the best planet to build a base on no man’s sky?

Of all the planet types to live on in No Man’s Sky, a Lush Planet is arguably one of the most sought-after places to build a base. Lush planets possess no environmental hazards or need special equipment, and they often have a reliable amount of resources such as Nitrogen, Paraffinium, Star Bulbs, and plenty of water.

What is the best planet for a base in NMS?

While every planet in No Man’s Sky’s vast universe is completely different, specific planet types are still more suitable for base building and inhabitation.

  1. 1 Paradise Planet.
  2. 2 Lush. …
  3. 3 Exotic. …
  4. 4 Dead Planet. …
  5. 5 Water World. …
  6. 6 Barren. …
  7. 7 Frozen. …
  8. 8 Marsh. …

How high can you build no man’s sky?

Before you spend several hours building a framework for a floating base in No Man’s Sky, you should know that there is a build height limit of around 1,000 units above your Base Computer.

How far can you build from base in no man’s sky?

By placing objects just outside the limit players can extend their base up to 1000u away from the base computer both horizontally and vertically.

What happens when you delete your base in no man’s sky?

You can delete the base in the Base Computer, and the mats ends up in Base Salvage Capsule. from gamepedia. > When a base is deleted via the Base Computer, any raw materials used in its construction will be retrievable from the Base Salvage Capsule.

How do you find unclaimed base computers in NMS?

Finding An Unclaimed Computer

An unclaimed base computer may be found by luckily coming across it while traversing the planet surface on foot, by starship in low flight, or in exocraft. The probability of coming across one this way is quite low, but not zero.

What is the Leviathan in NMS?

Leviathan is a starship in No Man’s Sky.

What is the 6th galaxy in NMS?

Ickjamatew is the 6th galaxy in the No Man’s Sky universe. The Fade and Galaxy Centre are fundamental parts of every galaxy. In Ickjamatew, the centre appears to be turquoise.

Does NMS ever end?

Narratively, everything begins again. Everything is 16. Your story never really ends and leaves players with a few questions.

What happens if you fly into a black hole in NMS?

Summary. Black Holes take you to a fixed star system across the galaxy. If any technology modules exist in your starship general inventory, some may be be damaged at random upon arrival to the new system (modules in technology inventory are safe).

What is the rarest item in NMS?

Gold GUPPY with Cowled Rear Thruster: The rarest thing in No Man’s Sky is the Gold GUPPY ship with Cowled Rear Thruster.

Can two people have the same base in no man’s sky?

Base Sharing

If a base is 3,000 parts or less, a player can choose to upload their base so it can be seen by other players. Bases that are not uploaded are only visible to the base owner, and to players that are in the same instance together with them.

Can you have two settlements in no man’s sky?

Players can find new settlements in No Man’s Sky, but if someone is already an Overseer of a different settlement they’ll have to abandon their old settlement for the new one. All settlements are procedurally generated, so if someone becomes the Overseer of a new settlement the old one disappears.

How do you build an underwater base in no man’s sky?

Enter The Final Sunken Building And Interact With The Terminal Inside. After locating the final sunken building, you should enter it and find the terminal. Once you interact with the terminal, you’ll complete the “Dreams Of The Deep” quest. You’ll now unlock the new blueprints, and you can use them for base-building.

Can you move the Base Computer in no man's sky? - Gaming Pedia (2024)


Can you move your base computer no man's sky? ›

After that, anyone, including you, can claim the site again. The base computer can now be picked up and moved within the bounds of the base (added feature, as of Update 3.73). The centre of the base does not change. Moving the base computer is only moving the item; not moving the potential area of the base.

How do you move the main base in no man's sky? ›

In the event that a player wants to move bases, all they have to do is construct the respective terminals inside of their new base. Hold the action key (E for default on PC) and they'll appear. This can be done without an issue and is cost free.

How do you remove the base computer in no man's sky? ›

you need to 'delete' the base then you should be able to remove the computer with middle mouse button. No, I hadn't built anything, once i clicked on the base computer, it said i was unable to build there and to move to a new location, but it's unremovable.

Can you have more than one base computer in no man's sky? ›

Multiple bases can be built on the same planet, but only one base per player per planet will be shared online for other players. The player must go to the base computer and upload the base in order to share it.

Does Base Computer archive ever end? ›

This cycle repeats until 10 log entries have been extracted in this manner at which point the player can interact one last time with a Base Computer to receive some Salvaged Data, after which the Base Computer Archives mission is complete.

How far from Base Computer can you build NMS? ›

All construction in No Man's Sky must take place within a set radius (normally 300u) from the base computer. However, there is an easy way to extend this limit. Doing so will require the player to unlock their base boundary, which can be done by saving the game and restarting.

Can you teleport to your base in no man's sky? ›

Only one teleporter per base is permitted, however this can be worked around by building additional Short-Range Teleporters leading to the base teleporter. A teleporter does not need to be built to be able to teleport to a base.

How do you keep base powered in no man's sky? ›

Install enough Solar Panels to exceed the power requirements of your base. Ensure that excess power charges the Batteries enough to power the base through a 15-minute nighttime cycle. One Solar Panel provides 50kPs of power during daytime. For every 50kPs required by your base, install two Solar Panels and one Battery.

What does a base salvage capsule do? ›

When a base is deleted via the Base Computer, half of the materials used in its construction will be retrievable from the Base Salvage Capsule. The blueprint for constructing a Base Salvage Capsule is automatically unlocked after a player gets their first freighter.

Can your base be destroyed in no man's sky? ›

Bases cannot be destroyed but can be deleted or dismantled.

How do I get back to my base in NMS? ›

Find the Gek Overseer NPC in the space station, which should be in a room back behind the technology merchants. As a tip; instead of flying back, the player may use the local Teleporter to return to their base.

How do you make a Base Computer in no man's sky? ›

How to build a Base Computer in No Man's Sky. If you want to build a base, then you must first build a Base Computer. For this you'll need 40 Chromatic Metal and to make that you'll need 80 Copper. To find a Copper Deposit, activate your Analysis Visor and scan the surrounding area.

Can you have 2 ships in no man's sky? ›

The player begins the game with one starship and may acquire additional starships later. A maximum of twelve starships may be part of a player's fleet, although no more than six will be located in the freighter hangar at any time. The other ships can be swapped out using the quick menu.

Can two people have the same base in no man's sky? ›

Join a friend's server. Step 5. Quit and load your solo save, find a space station then teleport to base you built. Now you'll both be able to go in and out of each other's bases and harvest anything you grow when offline.

Can you run power from one base to another in no man's sky? ›

Can you not connect two bases together with power? You cannot.


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