Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2025)

00 0 0 0 4 4 -4. 1 GLaine PLAYER SWAP The California, Angels and the Balti-" more Orioles Thursday made a straight player trade veteran first baseman Norm Siebern for Dick Simpson, Marion Matmen Edge Frankfort, 24 To 22 FRANKFORT Marion won the last three bouts to edge Frankfort, 24-22, in a high school wrestling meet Thursday night. It was the visiting Giants' second victory of the week and gave them a 3-0 season record. The Giants trailed, 22-13, with the three heavier weight bouts remaining, but Gary Hunter and Bill Norton won decisions and Bob Kempher pinned his opponent for the two-point victory. Other victors for the Giants College Basketball By The Associated Press Middle Tenn.

State 59, Tenn. Martin 57 Freed Hardeman 97, Bethel 93 Texas 79, Trinity, Tex. 70 Phillips Oilers 87, Gustavus Adolphus 49 Northern, S.D. 91, Minnesota-Morris 83 East Tennessee 99, Wofford 64 Southern Illinois 91, Kirksville State 49 Northeast Louisiana 78, Miss. St.

72, Centenary 73, East Tex. Bapt. 66, o'time Murray 92, Hardin Simmons 81 West. Maryland 103, Wash. Coll.

96, o'time St. Bonaventure 105, Detroit College 79 Georgetown, D.C. 96, American Univ. 89 Okla. City 97, Southern Mehhodist 90 Tenn.

Wesleyan 70, Berry, Ga. 51 Auburn 91, Rice 74 Lebanon Valley College 81, Johns 80, overtime Temple 88, Rider 62 Western Kentucky 98, Parson, lowa, TI Kenyon 92, Wilmington 77 Utica 52, Harpur. 40 Central State 82, Anderson 76, three overtimes Virginia Tech 94, Purdue 88, overtime Florida State 69, Valdosta State 68 Conference Tournament First Round 55 Eastern Washington 57, Portland State Whitworth 73, Central Washington 71 Pikeville 104, Knoxville College 86 New Hampshire 95, Burdette 79 Middlebury 77, St. Lawrence 69 Villanova 93, Scranton 55 Appalachina 63, Pfeiffer 58 66, Newberry 53 lowa 111, Pepperdine 50 Beckley, W. 92, Mountain State, Parkersburg, 90 Elkins 86, Aldrson Broaddus 66 St.

Paul's 69, Livingstone 59 Grove City 66, Geneva 59 Georgia Invitational Tournament Norfolk Bethune-Cookman 105 Southern University 90, North Carolina 87 Bellarmine 99, Oakland City, Ind. 58 Lynchburg 11 St. Andrews 56 were Joe Saylor and Winstron Mansfield by pins and Van Johnson by decision. The Giants will return to action at New Castle Tuesday. Frankfort won the abbreviated reserve match, 14-8.

Varsity Summary 93-K. Wright, Frankfort, pinned Botkin, Marion, 3:42. 103-Kries, Frankfort, defeated Copleny. Marion, Wright, 15-1. Frankfort, won by forfeit.

120 V. Johnson, Marion, defeated Watson, Frankfort, 8-0. 127 Saylor, Marion, pinned Whitacre, Frankfort, 2:39. 133-Boyles, Frankfort, defeated Miltonberger, Marion, 10-0. 138 Tudor, Frankfort, defeated Longren, Marion, 7-2.

145 Mansfield, Marion, pinned Benge, Frankfort, 3:16. 154 Moore, Frankfort, defeated Hardin, Marion, 4-0. 165- G. Hunter, Marion, defeated Forney, Frankfort, 5-0. 180 Norton, Marion, defeated Emery, Frankfort, 2-1.

Heavyweights Kempher, Marion, pinned Cullen, Frankfort, 1:17. Elks To Add Second Nine To Golf Course A contract has been signed by Marion Elks Lodge 195 with William Diddel, Indianapolis golf architect, for plans and specifications for the additional nine holes at the Elks Golf and Country Club. Dan Green, exalted ruler. of the lodge, said' Diddel in Marion Wednesday to complet Marion Wednesday to complete club's Bradford Street site and to examine work already begun in preparation for the impovements. Land clearing and brush removal has' already been started and plans for elevations of the new nine are expected to be completed in time for start of construction next spring.

Holiday gift idea! Take your choice of DARK EYES VODKA in crystal decanter or festive gift-wrap! 345 fifth So proof NO Elul DARK EYES DARK EYES VODKA 100 OR 80 PROOF. GRAIN NEUTRAL SPIRITS. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CLEAR SPRING DISTILLING DIV. JAMES B.

BEAM DISTILLING CLERMONT, KY. Fairmount Mat Squad Beaten TIPTON Fairmount made its debut in wrestling by losing a match to Tipton Thursd a night, 40-20. Tipton also is participating in beasport for the first time this The visiting Quakers were forced to forfeit three matches because they had no wrestlers available in the weights, thus spotting Tipton 15 points. All matches ended in pins and winners for Fairmount were John Greentree, Rich Hodupp, Dan Castner and Jack Holsten. The Quakers will return to action Tuesday in another road match at Elwood.

Varsity Summary 95 Tipton by forfeit. 103 won by forfeit. 112 Watson, Tipton, pinned Calvert, Fairmount, 2:15. 120 John Greentree, Fairmount, pinned Shirley, Tipton, 1:46. 127-Rick Hodupp, Fairmount, pinned Owens, Tipton, HE 1:59.

133 Dan Castner, Fairmount, pinned Overdorf, Tipton, 3:26. 138 Tipton won by forefeit. 145 King, Tipton, pinned Spencer, Fairmount, 3:53. 154 Jack Holsten, Fairmount, pinned Rump, Tipton, 0:37. 165 Radruck, Tipton, pinned Shields, Fairmount, 3:32.

180-Murray, Tipton, pinned Berry, Fairmount, 2:33. Heavyweights Enneking, Tipton, pinned Creek, Fairmount, 2:58. Ullman Leads Red Wing Win DETROIT (AP) Norm Ullman scored three goals and assisted on three others in leading the Detroit Red Wings to a 10-2 victory over the Boston Bruins in the only National Hockey League game played Thursday night. Bruce McGregor added two goals for the Red Wings, who moved ahead of the Bruins into fifth place in the standings. Four of the five Detroit victories this season have been over the Bruins.

Ullman scored a goal and an assist in each period. He completed the three goal hat trick at 5:30 of the final period after taking a pass from Floyd Smith. Gerry Cheevers replaced regular Boston goalie Bernie Parent at the start of the second period. Parent suffered a hand injury at Chicago Wednesday night and the soreness appeared to hamper his play in the first period. Doug Barkley opened the scoring at 5:04 of the first period.

Ullman scored his first goal 97 seconds later and Ron Murphy capped the Detroit threegoal first period at 10:27. Ullman, Val. Fontayne, Alex Delvecchio and McGregor scored in the second period with Smith, MacGregor and Ullman adding the final markers for the Red Wings in the third period. John Bucyk spoiled goalie Roger Crozier's shutout bid at 2:07 of the third period and Murray Oliver closed out the game scoring at 7:52. The hat trick was Ullman's eighth in his NHL career.

He was the league's leading goal scorer last season. The six points left him one shy of the club record which is held by three players. Freshman Basketball Mississinewa fg ft pt Jones pf Cummings 2 5 Townsend Sparks 0 Browner Turner 0 Main Morgan Myers Teegarden Sutter Swetnam 5 Hosier Shelley Caudill Totals 11 12 Totals 12 11 Score by quarters: Mississinewa 3 11 1030 Jones 12 1335 Freshman reserve score: Jones 45, sissinewa 22. Fairmount 8th Grade Tops Eastbrook North FAIRMOUNT Three Fairmount players were in double figures in a 53-27 victory over Eastbrook North in an eighth grade basketball game Thursday night. Tom Wilson scored 18 points, Bobby Lennens 12 Holloway 10 for the winners.

Foyt: hit 15 for Eastb rook North. The Eastbrook five won the seventh grade contest, 27-26. Cards Sign Flanker Back From Baylor ST. LOUIS, Mo. (AP) The St.

Louis Cardinals announced Thursday they had signed Baylor football flanker Harlan Lane, who was drafted last year as a future on the 15th round. Lane, a 6-foot-1, 185-pounder who caught 54 passes at Baylor this year, will be used at or defensive back, the Cardinals said. He is 22 years old. Tech Beats Purdue LAFAYETTE, Ind. (AP) Buddy Martin of Virginia Tech scored eight points in the last 85 seconds of overtime Thursday night to halt a Purdue rally and beat the Boilermakers in basketball 94-88.

Martin hadn't scored until he stole the ball at midcourt at 1:25 and drove in alone for a that gave the Gobblers an 88-86 lead. Thereafter, he sank six free throws to hand Purdue a setback in its season opener. Dave Schellhase of led all scorers with 38 points. Bob King, 6-11 Gobbler center, was close behind with 36. VPI PURDUE Wetzel 5 3-3 13 D.

Jam's'n 0 0-1 Ware 1-3 3 S'hlhase 14 10-14 38 a King 16 36 Trudeau 2 Perry 5 5-7 15 Johnson 0 2-2 Martin 6-8 8 Eb'rs't 5-6 17 Brown 11 Brady 1-1 11 Whitesell 1 O'Neill 3 0-1 Combs 1-1 7 Berkey 0-0 Grams 0 0-0 0 Totals 35 24-3 Totals 34 20-29 88 VPI 47 31 16--94 Purdue 10--88 Leader-Tribune Dec. 3, 1965 23 Sayers Faces Rugged Test Against Colts 5 CHICAGO (A.P) Gale Sayers' bid for National Football League Rookie of the Year honors may ride on how well the Chicago Bears' Kansas Comet fares in a second try at the Baltimore blitz Sunday. Sayers had his only lackluster game of the season when he was held to 17 yards on 11 carries as the Western Division leading Colts took a 26-21 victory over the Bears here Nov. 7. A big thorn in the side of the Bears, and Sayers particularly, was end Ordell Braase, who is expected to return to action at Baltimore after missing the Colt-Detroit Lion 24-24 Thanksgiving Day tie because of injury.

Since the Bear setback by the Colts on a disputed touchdown pass catch, by Ray Berry, Sayers has been back in high gear. Sayers' Rookie of the 1Eastbrook Freshman Post I Third Win UPLAND Eastbrook's racked up its third straight freshman basketball victory by defeating Eaton Thursday night, 43-34. Eastbrook led most of the way and was on top at halftime, 14-13. Fisher of Eaton was high: scorer with 12 points. Moorman led Eastbrook with Eastbrook next will face Huntington in the opening game of Oak Hill's four-team tourney at 9:30 a.m.

Saturday. Oak Hill takes on Northfield in the second game at 10:30 a.m. Eaton fg ft pt Eastbrook to 1 pf Thornburg 0 0 2 Slater Kestner Cheney Carlson Rumple 04 2. 3 Fisher 5 2 3 Boles 0 -0000 Ragan 3 5 Ballinger Jordan Manley Conatser 0 Kibbey Lambert 0 Couch Simons Moorman Hall Totals, by 12. quarters: 10 18.

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Adams St. SALES AND SERVICE 14th Gal. i- Phone 674-5084 Just North of Panorama Shopping Center 664-8588 DAD DA DAD A DADAS 9 DAD 9 1 2- 7 1 Dr. bid was improved by his performance last Sunday as the Bears trimmed the Giants 35-14 in New York. He scored touchdowns on runs of 45 and 15 yards, threw a touchdown pass that was recalled because of Bear holding, and piled up.

113 yards on 13 carries, almost doubling the entire Giants yardage. After the Colts, Sayerswhose 14 touchdowns are an NFL season record for rookiesrounds out his season at home against the San Francisco 49ers and Minnesota Vikings. Sayers' coach at the University of Kansas, Jack Mitchell, watched a Bear practice this week and said he was not surprised at the pro success of his former star, wno never missed a game or even a practice session in three collegiate years. "Any great breakaway in college should make the pros," said Mitchell." Certainly, the pro defenses are extremely tough but they concentrate on rushing the and penetrating the backfield." "In college, there's gang pursuit from sideline to sideline. Once swiftie gets past the pro rush men, he has a lot less traffic." In the first Colt-Bear game, the Baltimore blitz held the Bears to 21 yards rushing in the first half as Johnny Unitas led the Colts to a 17-0 lead.

The passing of Rudy rallied the Bears, but Berry's juggling catch in the end zone of a 13-yard Gary Cuozzo pass was ruled the winning touchdown for Balitmore. This time the Bears will have two healthy fullbacks, Ron Bull and Andy Livingston, ready for the Colts whose defense appears wounded somewhat. 3 A.

Leader-Tribune from Marion, Indiana (2025)


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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.