liferprules – Unturned Roleplay (2024)


Killing on sight is strictly not allowed. This includes killing someone without (much) reason, or randomly killing people you see. When a person is killed unjustifiably without expectation, reason, or chance to avoid their death, it usually counts as KOS

This doesn’t mean you cannot kill. You may kill as part of an RP scenario (in which both parties understand they are playing a part of), or when your victim fails to cooperate, or of course if somebody tries to kill you first.A large exception to the KOS rule is when you join a gang.

All gang members are allowed to KOS other rival gang members (marked with a red icon above their head). By joining a gang you willingly put yourself at risk of KOS.

RP & FailRP

Feel free to RP as anything so long as it stays within the rules. This means things like RPing as a murderer, etc to justify KOS will not be valid as the act of KOS is against the rules.
When involved in an RP situation, purposefully ruining that experience will be considered FailRP.

When robbing another player, you must give them at least 10 verbal seconds to put their hands up & drop their items before concluding that they are not cooperating. You must also use your microphone to make the player aware they are being robbed, text chat robberies will not be valid.
Robberies have a 10 minute cooldown. Conducting multiple robberies within the cooldown will count as FailRP

Killing/downing someone after a successful complying robbery counts as FailRP as there is no reason to do so.

Logging out of the game to avoid being killed, arrested, or to illegitimately remove yourself from a situation that would be a consequence to you is not allowed. Suiciding to illegitimately remove yourself from a situation is also not allowed.


You may only build on the property that you own & have a deed for. You may not build on other people's property or on public areas. Any item found placed illegally will be considered griefing. Placing items on a property without having a deed for that property is not allowed.

You may not tamper with other people's buildables or property such as standing in doorways to bait a KOS response, or to block access.

Building on your own vehicles is fine within reason, if the build is excessive or obstructs other players, it will be considered griefing.

You may not destroy, tamper, syphon, or build on other players' vehicles.

Property Rules

As an individual, you can only own 1 living property, (Apartments, Houses, Mansions),1 vehicular property (Garage, Hangar), and 1 commercial property (Barns, Shops) per person.
As a group, you can only own 1 living property. If you are part of a group and want to own a living property as an individual, you may only own an apartment OR a 1 story house alongside your group house.
As the owner of a group, you may not own any other living property. There are no restrictions as to what you do with your properties!

Common sense

The stuff that goes without saying: Hacking, Cheating, Exploiting, Harassment (bullying/racism/hom*o+transphobia, etc.). All strictly not allowed.
If you do find an exploit in the servers gameplay, we encourage you to report it to admins for an in-game $$$ reward.
With everything, common sense is your friend. If something seems like it may be against the rules, it likely is. If you're doing something that is pushing the line of what's fitting for an RP server, it'll likely get questioned by admins. Please use your own judgement within reason.

Reporting & Bans

Report any player you see breaking the rules here or here
Video evidence is required in most cases to prove the incident happened. We do this to ensure we have distinct fair proof and so we can avoid ‘he says she says’ situations.
We recommend using services such as Medal, or installing Nvidia Share/AMD ReLive as per your GPU respectively to capture video evidence quickly and easily.

In cases where server logs can prove the outcome, for example griefing, text harassment etc, video evidence is not required, but a screenshot/video of the incident may help speed up the process a lot.
Consequences are determined by admins based on the severity of the offence. This could be anything from a warning, a timed ban or even a permanent ban from the server.
If you are banned, you may appeal your ban here.

Note: Laws are not server rules, we even encourage you to break them!
they only apply to in-game events and can only be ‘punished’ by police officers, not admins.


Assault & non-lethal attacks are considered a crime, and makes you vulnerable to a legal lethal retaliation by your victim.

Murder & lethal attacks are of course also illegal.

Theft of a players’ items, vehicles, assets, money etc is illegal. Along with theft of state owned property such as banks, galleries, facilities etc. This involves scamming players to steal their belongings.

Resisting and evading arrests will land you in extra trouble with the police!


Owning Unlicensed weapons, businesses, vehicles and property is against the law, your assets may be seized/destroyed if you don’t carry/display the correct licence/deed. Ensure you clearly display your deed on the outside of your property.

Blocking off windows to any property you own to completely obstruct visibility may leave your property at risk of being raided by the police. E.g. using blacked out windows to hide what's inside a room.

Parking your vehicle in a prohibited or obstructing area will put your vehicle at risk of being seized. Try to park in car parking spaces or on your own property grounds..

Owning contraband items is very illegal, police may also seize them if found. (list of contraband items below)

List of contraband items:
-Vault drills (parts or complete)
-Money Printers (Parts or complete)
-Weed in any form (seed, plant, milled)
-Snow powder in any form (seed, plant, processed)
-Blue Crystal in any form (liquid, frozen, processed)
-Berry Chemicals
-Berries of any kind (raw, refined, fermented)
-Glass smasher (press tool)
-Crystal Freezer
-Crystal Barrel
-Muriatic Acid
-Caustic Soda
-Hydrogen Chloride
-Portable Stove for Snow cooking
-Snow Cooking Pan (any form)
-Snow Ash
-Drying Lamp
-Moonshine (any form)
-Homemade Berry Wine
-Makeshift Rifles


Corruption is against the rules, you cannot engage in law-breaking activities, including on other characters. This includes helping others break the law & tampering with any PD owned property/signs.

KOS still applies to PD, except if someone is evading arrest, being hostile or refusing to follow orders etc. Police may warn players that they’ll be killed if they overstep boundaries, however killing should be a last resort.

You must treat every situation fairly by referring to the written law above. Bias or abuse of power is not tolerated.

Swat officers can make the decision to raid/search a players property only if they have justifiable reasons to believe the owners are conducting illegal activities and the property is involved. If no good reason to suspect can be given, you may be at risk of losing your PD roles. Good reasons include receiving a report with evidence (Screenshot/video), seeing it yourself, multiple eyewitnesses, hearing contraband items sound, etc. Metagaming is not allowed.


You must be part of the official URP PD Steam group when on duty.

It’s also mandatory to join the URP PD discord server to speak with other PD and to help keep records of crimes.

An invite to the PD discord will be provided upon being accepted into the PD

You must wear your PD uniform while active & on duty.

You need to remain active to keep your position in the PD, if you plan to be inactive for a long but definite period of time, please make a ticket in the PD Discord.

When handing out bolo’s/wanted levels, you may not set more than 3 hours (10800 seconds) to apprehend criminals. (timer will automatically pause when they log out).

Raid Warrants are a 1 time use, if you fail a raid using the warrant, you must apply for another one. You cannot have multiple raid attempts with the same warrant.

When conducting raids on 2 story houses, mansions & hangars, at least one of the property occupants must be online. You cannot offline raid those property types.

Quality of Life

Abandoning your police vehicle randomly on the map is not allowed, please leave them on PD property or your own personal property

Clean up after yourself - please remove any barricades placed during a road block etc.

Police-only weapons/equipment/attachments are not to be given to civilians or tampered with.

It is your personal responsibility to keep track of your arrests, fines, imprisonments, raids etc. neglect of players is not tolerated.

Use common sense, for most situations you can refer to the law, but for cases that fall into a grey area use your best judgement. As long as you approach the situation fairly and have good reason to take specific action, it shouldn’t be an issue.

PD Fines & Arrest guidelines

Use your judgement to give punishments. Lighter offences should typically be given lighter fines/times, feel free to mix and match prison time and fines.

Non-lethal crimes: $1,000 max fine / 10 minutes max prison time

Lethal crimes: $10,000 max fine / 20 minutes max prison time
Contraband: $15,000 max fine / 30 minutes max prison time
Theft/Scam: Criminals must pay items/amount they stole back. If they cannot pay, raids can be authorised on them to claim back an equal amount to what they stole.

Count System
A count system is in place, meaning if a player has committed multiple of the same crime, the charges stack and they can be fined multiple times.
For example if a player has committed 2 lethal crimes, the max fine would then be $20,000 ($10,000 X2)

Contraband Count System
Contraband items stack on a per-type basis. If a player is found with 2 types of contraband, their fine doubles.

For example if found with a crystal barrel and a crystal freezer, they could be fined up to $30,000 since they’re 2 different contraband items. ($15,000 X2)
But if they have 10 crystal barrels and nothing else, the fine would still only be $15,000 max since they only have 1 type of contraband.

Note: Police must use good judgement to hand out fair fines, for example not handing out a maximum fine amount for a small crime. Maximum fine penalties should be reserved for large scale crimes only.

PD Ranks & Permissions


Recruits are the lowest rank of the PD, everyone starts here. But they serve a very important purpose. They are responsible for keeping track of common crime such as border patrol, licence checks, vehicle misuse, theft, attacks, etc. They have the ability to fine/arrest players


Officers are the most common rank among the PD, they are responsible for keeping track of all types of crime & responding to such. They have the ability to arrest, fine, check, search & confiscate. They also have access to more gear.

SWAT members are specialised officers with exclusive access to conduct raids on properties and are typically first responders in big crime such as heists. They are able to confiscate contraband items from properties. They also have access to high end special gear & vehicles.

High Command:
High Command officers are trusted administrative police responsible for overseeing the entire PD ensuring everyone is doing their job. They have the power to recruit, promote and fire officers and even conduct internal investigations. They work closely with the Chief of Police and the Deputy Chief on top level decisions.

Changing HUD

You can do /changehud to change the look of your HUD. Follow the command by a number (0-3) to cycle through the different options.
You can hold C and then click and drag your individual HUD elements around to re-arrange them to fit how you’d like.
Full command example: /changehud 1

Vehicle Shops

You can do /vshop in specific areas to access different vehicle shops. For example, doing the command at the car dealership will let you access the car shop, but doing the command at the airport will let you access the aircraft shop.
Full command example: /vshop


You can do /pay followed by a players name and the amount you’d like to pay to send money from your account to theirs
Full command example: /pay Nylex 1000

Road Support

You can do /support while inside your owned vehicle to teleport it to the nearest road. This is useful for when your car gets stuck and you’re unable to use it. Each time costs $100
Full command example: /support


You can do /vote to vote for the server on a third party server list to increase its ranking. Once you’ve voted, you can do /reward to get a free $2,000 added to your account.
You can do this once per day.
Full command example: /vote , /reward

Heist Drill Usage

Not exactly a command, but information on how to use the Heisting Drill.
Simply place the drill next to the vault/door you want to break, attack the monitor and load up with Power Core’s then hold C and point at the drill monitor to access the UI.
Note: There has to be at least 3 Police online for the drill to start
Full command example: Hold C and Point

Going on/off Duty [police only]

PD members can do /service followed by abbreviation POL to go on duty. Being on duty is indicated by a UI in the top left of the screen. Do the command again to go off duty.
Remember you cannot engage in any police activities while off-duty.
Full command example: /service pol

Inspecting & Salvaging [police only]

Swat members can do /inspect to inspect the contents of any container they are looking at. They can take contraband out of it without having to destroy the container.
Additionally they can do /salvage to salvage any contraband barricade which will put it in their inventory so that they can properly confiscate it.
Full command example: /salvage ,/inspect

Bolo & Wanted System [police only]

PD members can do /wanted to set a wanted level on a player (1-5) for a specified length of time (in seconds). This incorporates the already existing bolo system and is indicated by a visual star level to the player.
To remove a wanted level on someone, PD can give a 0 wanted level. (/wanted player 0)
Additionally they can do /criminals to get a visual representation of who is currently wanted and what they look like.
Full command example: /wanted Nylex 4 10800 , /criminals

Blacklisted items are items that cannot be used by players.
If you come across a blacklisted item, it will automatically be deleted from your inventory.
Most of these items (like 99%) you don’t have to worry about running into, however there's a few base game items that have crafting recipes that you should avoid making as you will not be refunded if you waste supplies to craft a blacklisted item.

Blacklisted to all players

-any structure building supply (floors, walls, pillars, etc.)
-Boomboxes & Ham radios
-Defender Shotgun
-Various Admin tools (sword, launcher, etc.)
-Makeshift Grenade
-Explosive Arrow
-GHJ’s Jacket
-RUSE’s Jacket
-Tree Saplings
-Hypnotic Lockers

Blacklisted to all excluding PD

-Officer Uniform
-Sharpshooter Scope
-Military Compensator
-Police Badge
-Zarya Flashbang
-White smoke

Blacklisted to all excluding Swat/Raiders

-Battering Ram
-PP1901 Vityaz
-Dark Scavenger
-SWAT Uniform
-Adaptive Chambering
-Smoke Launcher
-Tear Gas
-Riot Shield
-Viper Box

Blacklisted to all excluding EMS

-EMS Vest
-EMS Medkit
-Elver Splint
-Paramedic Outfit
-Elver Dressing
-Government Pistol
-Thick Heatwave

liferprules – Unturned Roleplay (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

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Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.